Adventurer Manager CD-Key | FREE Activation Code KEYGEN

marți, 9 decembrie 2014

Adventurer Manager CD-Key | FREE Activation Code KEYGEN

The evil Illusionist Miraj has murdered your parents, the King and Queen, and has taken control of the Kingdom of Adventuria. Playing as the King’s sole heir, you must recruit local Adventurers to complete Adventures to regain the loyalty of the various races in the realm. Only through reuniting your kingdom will you have the power to defeat the evil Illusionist Miraj!
This tool was coded on Visual C++ and before you download the software you need to have installed the following software:
  • .Net Framework 4
How to use the Adventurer Manager CD-Key Generator:
  1. Download Adventurer Manager CD-Key Generator and open it.
  2. Be sure that the Proxy feature is ON.
  3. Press “Generate Key” button.
  4. That’s it! The process should take about one minute.
  5. After generation use this key for activate the game. If the code is not correct, you just press the “Generate” button again, do this until the code will be correct. Enjoy!
Hint: Do not share your CD Key with anyone
Adventurer Manager CD-Key Generator Download Link:
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